1 Week Flat Belly (Intense Abs) | 7 Minute Home Workout

1 Week Flat Belly (Intense Abs) | 7 Minute Home Workout

This 7-day at- routine will only take you 7 minutes every day. Intriguing, right? No tools are required. Let me know how you’re doing in the section below before we begin. Make sure to tag me on Instagram if you want to be included like these incredible women who have tagged me in their tales. I am so incredibly impressed by you ladies.

Let’s speak about how to make those effects last. This might be accomplished by adopting a more healthful lifestyle. This exercise should be combined with my fat-burning routines, and you should eat a balanced, healthy diet. Always keep in mind that the journey itself is the destination.

Okay, let’s start the workout now. Without resting in between, we will perform each exercise for 30 seconds. It’s going to get hot, but you can handle it.

Alright, let’s get started with the workout. We’re going to do each exercise for 30 seconds with no breaks in between. It’s going to burn, but you’ve got this!

Exercise 1: Clap and Roll

Start by clapping your hands and rolling back down. Keep going nice and low in between each repetition.

Exercise 2: Leg Straighteners

Place your hands behind you and straighten out your legs. Breathe out as you extend your legs and breathe in as you draw them back in. Switch sides halfway through.

Exercise 3: Crunches with Ankles Reach

Lie all the way down and come up high in a crunch. Reach for your ankles while keeping your gaze forward.

Exercise 4: Roll Up with Clap

Perform a full roll up and clap at the top. This time, come up at an angle to target your obliques. Switch sides halfway through.

Exercise 5: Hundreds

Keep your legs down and come up high in a crunch. Pump your arms up and down while looking forward. For an added challenge, lift your legs up or straighten them.

Exercise 6: Feet Reaches

With your legs up to the sky, reach for your feet. This exercise targets your lower .

Exercise 7: Bicycle Crunches

Keep your legs up and rotate your elbow to the opposite knee. This exercise engages your obliques.

Exercise 8: Boat Hold

Come up into a sitting position and hold your legs up. For an extra challenge, straighten your legs or drop your arms down.

Exercise 9: Hundreds in Boat Hold

Perform another set of hundreds, but this time in a boat hold. Keep your legs lifted and hold for 30 seconds.

Congratulations, you did it! If you’re feeling strong, try straightening your legs or dropping your arms for the last 10 seconds. You absolutely smashed this workout!

Before you go, please click the thumbs up button and subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already. We’re approaching 1 million subscribers and I can’t even put into words how grateful I am for your support. I love you all, bye squad!

Read More: Lose Ten Pounds in Three Days: The Military Diet


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